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4.4 ( 2274 ratings )
Vzdělávání Knihy
Vývojář: 上海华烽电子商务有限公司
0.99 USD




01 Nod Your Head(点点头)
02 Crazy Clock(异常的闹钟)
03 I Can(我能)
04 Hop and Log(单足跳和小步跑)
05 Two Little Blackbirds(两只小黑鸟)
06 High and Low(高和低)
07 Laugh and Cry(笑和哭)
08 A Cat(一只猫)
09 I’m a Little teapot(我是一只小茶壶)
10 Seashells(海贝)
11 How Much?(多少)
12 You Have One, I Have One(你拍一,我拍一)
13 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star(一闪一闪小星星)
14 I am a Small Boat(我是一艘小船)
15 Right or Wrong?(对还是错?)
16 I Love Reading(我爱看书)
17 Let’s Go for a Ride(让我们开车去游玩)
18 What a lot of Fish in the Pond!(池塘里的鱼真多呀!)
19 Pat Is My cat(帕特是我的猫)
20 Dinosaur Colours(恐龙的颜色)
21 A Big Surprise(大大的惊喜)
22 Some Things Are…(一些东西是……)
23 Frog(青蛙)
24 Farm Animals(农场的动物)
25 The Cock Crows in the Morning(公鸡报晓)
26 Clean Your Room(打扫你的房间)
27 Alan’s Day(艾伦的一天)
28 I was Late(我迟到了)
29 Who Follows Me?(谁跟着我)
30 Jump!(跳!)
31 Gorilla and Hippo(大猩猩和河马)
32 Tigers(老虎)
33 Hot Air Balloons(热气球)
34 Bones(骨头)
35 Teeth(牙齿)
36 Sally’s Room(莎丽的房间)
37 A Crumb(一粒面包屑)
38 Around My Neighbourhood(我生活的小区周围)
39 Four seasons in a year(一年四季)
40 beautiful Spring Is Here(美丽的春天来了)
41 Spring(春天)
42 Summertime(夏天)
43 Beautiful Flowers(美丽的鲜花)
44 I’m a Policeman(我是一名警察)
45 My Best Friend(我最好的朋友)
46 Friends Help Each Other(朋友互相帮助)
47 Shape Song(形状歌)
48 Beautiful Kites.(漂亮的风筝)
49 Kinds of Houses(各种房子)
50 The Kitchen(厨房)
51 shoes(鞋)
52 My Clothes(我的衣服)
53 Rain(雨)
54 Clothes for Different Weather(不同天气穿不同服装)
55 Clothes for Different Reasons(不同着装有不同理由)
56 All by Myself(我自己做)
57 Like, Don’t Like(喜欢,不喜欢)
58 Five Senses(五种感官)
59 Do You Have a Pet?(你有宠物吗?)
60 I Feel(我感觉)
61 I am an African Kid(我是一个非洲孩子)
62 Tai Chi Ch’uan(太极拳)
63 The Spring Festival(春节)
64 Halloween(万圣节)
65 Thanksgiving(感恩节)
66 What Do Penguins Eat?(企鹅吃什么?)
67 Animals in Danger(濒危动物)
68 Amazing Animals(惊人的动物)
69 The Kiwi(鹬鸵)
70 What Do You Want to Be?(你想成为什么?)
71 I want to Be(我想成为)
72 Health First(健康第一)
73 The World Is Full of Opposite(世界充满相对)
74 Running Moon(行走的月亮)
75 In the Sky(天空)
76 If I Could Touch the Sky(如果我能碰到天空)
77 Who Has Seen the Wind?(谁曾见过风?)
78 Water in the Air(空中的水)
79 Save the Earth(保护地球)
80 If You Think(如果你认为)

